Tuesday, March 29, 2011

How to become QA tester?

That question was asked by someone at Yahoo!Answers and I realized that my participation is really needed. So, down below is my answer:

I have been in Software QA profession since 1992. And I have been in the QA career change business since 1994. From my experience there are many venues to explore and which venue will really work for you (if any) depends on you education, professional background, user experience, and commitment to the change.

1. Read the book on Software QA ("Testing Computer Software" is my favorite), get beta-testing experience, put it to your resume and go to the job market (how to look for a job is another discussion). It costs you nothing, but not many people can implement that approach.

2. Hire a Mentor who will meet you 1-2 times a week for couple of hours and who will do a nice project with you. Again, put in your resume and go to the job market. It is cheap, customized, and might work just fine if you are OK doing most of the study on your own under Mentor's guidance.

3. Go for a QA Program offered by either City Colleges or private schools (search Google for "software QA Training" to find them). In the ideal world the program includes QA internship with a software development company, which might actually become you first employment in the field.

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